root@frontend01:~# aptitude install build-essential ruby libxmlrpc-c3-dev scons libopenssl-ruby libssl-dev flex bison ruby-dev rake rubygems libxml-parser-ruby libxslt1-dev libnokogiri-ruby libsqlite3-dev
Now we are ready to download the source code of OpenNebula, compile it (with the MySQL option activated) and install it into the /srv/cloud/one directory.
root@frontend01:~# su - oneadmin ; cd /tmp
oneadmin@frontend01:/tmp$ wget
oneadmin@frontend01:/tmp$ tar xvzf opennebula-2.2.1.tar.gz ; cd opennebula-2.2.1
oneadmin@frontend01:/tmp/opennebula-2.2.1$ cat src/vmm/
if ( emulator != "vmware" )
file << "\t\t\t<driver name='";
if ( !driver.empty() )
file << driver << "'/>" << endl;
file << default_driver << "'/>" << endl;
oneadmin@frontend01:/tmp/opennebula-2.2.1$ scons mysql=yes parsers=yes
oneadmin@frontend01:/tmp/opennebula-2.2.1$ ./ -d /srv/cloud/one
Before compiling OpenNebula, it is necessary to fix a severe mistake into a file from the source code ( This bug does not allow to deploy virtual machines on VMware ESXi, since when OpenNebula makes the deployment templates includes the raw format as the default DRIVER.
oneadmin@frontend01:~/templates$ virsh -c esx://esxi01/?no_verify=1
Enter username for esxi01 [root]: oneadmin
Enter oneadmin's password for esxi01:
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.
Type: 'help' for help with commands
'quit' to quit
virsh # define /srv/cloud/one/var/0/deployment.0
error: Failed to define domain from /srv/cloud/one/var/0/deployment.0
error: internal error Unknown driver name 'raw'
The last step before starting OpenNebula, is to set up (within the oned.conf file) the MySQL connection parameters (remember that in this case, you have to comment the line related to SQLite).
oneadmin@frontend01:/tmp/opennebula-2.2.1$ cat /srv/cloud/one/etc/oned.conf
# DB = [ backend = "sqlite" ]
DB = [ backend = "mysql",
server = "localhost",
port = 0,
user = "oneadmin",
passwd = "xxxxxx",
db_name = "opennebula" ]
By means of the one script (situated in $ONE_LOCATION/bin), we can run and stop the OpenNebula daemon (oned) and the scheduler (mm_sched). Also say that the log files are located in $ONE_LOCATION/var.
oneadmin@frontend01:~$ one start
oneadmin@frontend01:~$ one stop
And finally, mention too that if we want that the operating system to start automatically OpenNebula during the boot, we must create a LSB init script for this purpose.
root@frontend01:~# cat /etc/init.d/opennebula
# Provides: OpenNebula
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog $network
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog $network
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start daemon at boot time
# Description: Enable service provided by daemon.
export ONE_LOCATION=/srv/cloud/one
export ONE_AUTH=$ONE_LOCATION/.one/one_auth
export ONE_XMLRPC=http://localhost:2633/RPC2
su oneadmin -s /bin/bash -c '$ONE_LOCATION/bin/one start' ; RETVAL=$?
return $RETVAL
su oneadmin -s /bin/bash -c '$ONE_LOCATION/bin/one stop' ; RETVAL=$?
case "$1" in
sleep 5
echo $"Usage: service opennebula {start stop restart}"
exit $RETVAL
root@frontend01:~# chmod +x /etc/init.d/opennebula
root@frontend01:~# update-rc.d opennebula start 90 2 3 4 5 . stop 10 0 1 6 .
Nice explain :) I will wait for next article ... connect to ESXI Node
ReplyDeleteNext week... I hope!
ReplyDeleteBecause this is incredible, I cannot believe how a final version as the 2.2 or 2.2.1 can be released without being tested against a VMware ESXi, and then to say that works with VMware...
I have found two serious bugs, one of them into the file (I have already fixed it in this article) and the other one related to the VMware Drivers Addon.
Gracias por el post, soy bastante nobato y me gustaría saber el porque de este error:
ReplyDeleteoneadmin@jhigueras:~/templates$ /var/lib/one/remotes/im/run_probes kvm kvm01
WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-ekavUl/pkcs11: Permission denied
ARCH=x86_64 MODELNAME="AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor" HYPERVISOR=kvm TOTALCPU=600 CPUSPEED=800 TOTALMEMORY=8176016 USEDMEMORY=1774116 FREEMEMORY=6401900 FREECPU=555.0 USEDCPU=45.0 NETRX=118773339 NETTX=12041828 HOSTNAME=jhigueras oneadmin@jhigueras:~/templates$
Gracias de antemano